I promised pictures of my pigtailed girl, and here they are. In this one she's wearing her chicken costume, but the head's off. She did not like the chicken head on.In fact, this is the expression on her face when we make her wear the chicken head:

or, sometimes, this one:

And then, after we make her make that face for long enough, when we get home she gets us back by doing things like:

getting a bra out of the cupboard and running around the house in it (she has yet to do this when there's company, but I'm not putting it past her)

dumping an entire roll of toilet paper into the toilet. And then flushing.
Anyway, back to the ponytails. It was really hard to get her to hold still for them, and we got these elastics that are made out of silicone and are tangle-free, so with determination she can just pull them right on out. AND I don't know how to make a straight part to save my life, AND symmetry and evenness are overrated (or so I'm declaring), but I think they look pretty cute! And it's not so bad when she pulls the elastics out, because her hair just stays in the little bobbin shapes even without the elastics once her hair has dried in them (I put them in when her hair was wet -- easier to manage that way) so no can really tell that she's rid herself of the tyrranny of elasticy bands.
One last picture and then I'm done:

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Not that you had any doubts or needed to hear it from me, but it's official: she's the cutest kid in the world. I was at the Speckled Frog the other day looking at old photos. What a charmer she is!
OMG OMG OMG - the cuteness. It's just.too.much.
I can't wait to smoosh that yummy little cherub!
oh.my.god. the cuteness. it's killing me. dangerous. applauding you for such an admirable task that you accomplished!
Oh dear god! That's got to be the cutest thing ever! I wanna put the "wearing mom's bra" pic on my desktop at work...think that'd violate our new ethics code??
She is so darn CUTE!!
My GOD, she's precious!
and THIS is why she is the cutest kid in Utah. Actually her cuteness may be crossing some state lines at this point.
I used to have a woodstock (as in friend of snoopy) BRIGHT yellow, fuzzy jacket with teh woodstock hood when. I'll have to see if I can find any of those.
I swear you're going to have to sit on the front porch with a shotgun to keep the boys away from her when she's older!
priceless :-D